Jurassic Park: The Musical 3D

Follow the adventures of Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, Tim and Lex, and all of your favorite characters from Jurassic Park (as well as that blood-sucking lawyer Genarro) in this original musical. There are clones, goats, Mr. DNA, and, of
course, DINOSAURS GALORE! This full-length parody of the 1993 film classic is a sure winner for all audiences!
An original musical based on Michael Crichton’s 1990 book, Jurassic Park, based even more on Steven Spielberg’s 1993 movie of the same name, and also based on The Colonel Mustard’s own Jurassic Park The Musical! from 2009
Performance History
Colonel mustard amateur attic theatre company
Lincoln, NE (2009)
Colonel mustard amateur attic theatre company
Lincoln, NE (2013)
Brisbane, QLD (2016 and 2017)
Winston-Salem, NC (2024)